Sunday, September 11, 2016

A form of decency

Although in my novel one could read a negative, escapist view of humankind into a fantasized ideal world of nature and its creatures, deep down I find impossible to deny the value of the human species as a highly evolved animal whose self consciousness might work against its own desire of perfection.

Humanity might be to many condemn to a bleak future as no answer seems available to solve the question of the imperiled collective future.

Fantasy is not an answer, although it provides a symbolic representation of a better world. A world in which naturally decent, purer beings live in harmony with nature and themselves.  

The following quote from Cultural Amnesia, a book by Clive James, seems an appropriate approach to the problem:

"The only answer comes from faith: faith that the rule of decency--which at last, and against all the odds, looks as if it might prevail--began in humanism, and can't long continue without it." (851)